Town of Ramapo, New York
Questions? call: 845-357-5100

Assessor's Office


Town Assessor
(845)-357-5100 ext. 252




2024 Legal Notice of Final Completion of Assessment Roll





Please be advised that the Board of Assessment Review Committee has scheduled a




to be held at Ramapo Town Hall, Council Room on


Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 11:00 a.m.




For general inquiries, please email

The Assessor establishes a value on real property so that school, county, town, and special district taxes can be apportioned among the property owners. The Assessor’s office reviews hundreds of recent sales every year to determine the market values residential and commercial properties.

The Assessor administers real estate property tax exemptions authorized under state and local law. These include:

  • Partial exemption for veterans, elderly and physically disabled people

  • Basic School Tax Relief (STAR)

  • Enhanced STAR for senior citizens who qualify

  • Agricultural, solar, clerical and business incentive exemptions.

  • Partial or full exemptions for certain parcels owned by nonprofit organizations which qualify by reasons of religious, charitable, educational, or cemetery use

In all cases, applications for these exemptions must be filed by March 1.

The tentative assessment roll is available at the Assessor’s office on May 1, and notices of any changes in assessment are mailed to property owners at that time.

Any person may examine his or her own assessment or that of any other parcel in the town. Any property owners who feel that their assessment is inequitable must file a protest between May 1 and Grievance Day, which by state law, is the fourth Tuesday in May.

The final assessment roll is filed on July 1 and taxes for the following year are levied on the values in this roll.