Notice of Meeting and Public Hearing of the Town Of Ramapo Zoning Board of Appeals - September 30 @ 6:45 PM via Zoom
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a remote Meeting will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ramapo on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 6:45 p.m., or as soon thereafter as all matters can be heard at Ramapo Town Hall, 237 Route 59, Suffern, New York. The remote Meeting will be held via the ZOOM platform as Governor Cuomo's Executive Orders allows. The public will be able to watch or listen to the Meeting, which will be recorded, and a transcript will be available later. Minutes of actions taken at the meeting will be filed in the Town Clerk's office as soon as possible. As in-person attendance by board members, applicants and interested members of the public is not permitted because of the COVID-19 Executive Orders issued by the Governor, the procedure for those wishing to participate via ZOOM in the scheduled Public Hearings below will be timely posted on the Town website at WWW.RAMAPO.ORG.
If you wish to speak at the Public Hearing, please send your name, address, and email address to Please include the application that you wish to speak on no later than 5:00 p.m., prior to the Zoning Board Meeting.
Links to files containing the application and supporting documents is available on the Town website.
Details on the on the following Agenda items:
Application # 4877: Moses and Miriam Rosenberger, 30 Highview Road, Monsey, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a single family dwelling, front yard, front setback, total side setback and greater than permitted floor area ratio. The property in question is: 30 Highview Road, Monsey, New York, located on the north side of Highview Road, approximately 200 feet from the intersection of Nelson Road, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 56.06-2-35 in an R-25 zone.
Application # 4878: Mendel Huss, 41 Yale Drive, Spring Valley, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a school and dormitory, which will have greater than permitted floor area ratio and building height . The property in question is: 65 Dykstra’s Way East, Monsey, New York, located on the west side of Dykstra’s Way East, approximately 300 feet from west from the intersection of Old Nyack Turnpike, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 56.20-3-47, 48, 49 and 50 in an R-15A zone.
Application # 4879: Moses Friedman, 8 Merrick Drive, Spring Valley, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a three family dwelling with three accessory apartments, which will have less than the required total side setback, rear setback, rear setback (deck) and greater than permitted development coverage. The property in question is: 10 Grove Street, Monsey, New York, located on the north side of Grove Street, approximately 169 feet east from the intersection of Main Street, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 56.11-2-68 in an R-15C zone.
Application # 4880: Leba Mandelbaum, 22 Suffern Place, Monsey, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a two family dwelling, which will have less than the required greater than permitted floor area ratio. The property in question is: 22 Suffern Place, Monsey, New York, located on the south side of Suffern Place, 0 feet from the intersection of Roberts Road, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 56.15-1-15 in an R-15 zone
Application # 4881: Leah Davidson, 27 Lyncrest Drive New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of an addition to an existing single family dwelling, which will have less than the required side setback and total side setback. The property in question is: 27 Lyncrest Drive, Monsey, New York, located on the west side of Lyncrest Drive, approximately 50 feet East from the intersection of Jay Street, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 49.06-2-7 in an R-35 zone.
Application # 4882: Breton Marie Yonel, 14 Neil Road, Spring Valley, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a three family dwelling with three accessory apartments, which will have less than the required front setback, front yard, side setback, total side setback, rear setback, rear setback (deck) greater than permitted development coverage and greater than permitted floor area ratio. The property in question is: 14 Neil Road, Spring Valley, New York, located on the west side of Neil Road, approximately 579 feet south from the intersection of Ellish Parkway, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 50.17-1-15 in an R-15C zone.
Subject to the posted procedure, all present at the time an application is called and wishing to address the Board will be heard. Written comments on an application submitted in accordance with the posted procedures will be accepted and considered by the Board as part of the record on that application
F. Charlene Weaver, Chairperson
Dated at Suffern, New York Thisday, September 15, 2020
Agenda and Associated Documents
If you have a computer, tablet or smartphone, you can register, login and see the video and audio of the live session. You can access the Meeting by downloading the ZOOM application and be ready to hear and/or watch the Meeting when the Meeting starts. If you want to speak during the public portion, please "raise your hand" and you will be unmuted. To speak, the attendee must identify themselves with first and last names displayed. You may join the ZOOM Meeting by proceeding as follows:
Topic: Zoning Board of Appeals Public Meeting
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