Town of Ramapo, New York
Questions? call: 845-357-5100

Permissive Referendum - transfer the real property known as 62-66 N. Main Street, Spring Valley, New York, and identified on the Town of Ramapo Tax Map as 57.39-2-1 (the “Property”), to Ramapo Local Development Corporation for economic development




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Ramapo, County of Rockland, State of New York, at a special Town Board Meeting thereof, held on December 23, 2024, duly adopted, a Resolution, an abstract of which is as follows:

Resolution to transfer the real property known as 62-66 N. Main Street, Spring Valley, New York, and identified on the Town of Ramapo Tax Map as 57.39-2-1 (the “Property”), to Ramapo Local Development Corporation for economic development at no consideration, pursuant to General Municipal Law §72-h.

This Resolution and transfer of the Property is subject to a Permissive Referendum pursuant to Town Law, Section 90.  



Dated: January 7, 2025                                                           Sharon M. Osherovitz

Town of Ramapo, Town Clerk

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