ZBA Meeting - December 16 at 7:15 PM - IN PERSON AND ZOOM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a public hearing will be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ramapo on Thursday, December 16, 2021, at 7:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, at Ramapo Town Hall, 237 Route 59, Suffern, New York on the following matters:
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Application # 21-226: Congregation Pe’er Bais Yaakov, 133 Route 59, Monsey New York, for variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a school, which will have less than the required lot width, side setback, total side setback and greater than permitted development coverage. A variance will also be required from Section 376-78A, in that no entrance for off street parking with more than four (4) parking spaces shall be located closer than seventy-five (75) feet of any intersection. The property in question is: 607 Route 306, Monsey, New York, located on the west side of Route 306, 0 feet west from the intersection of Boar Court, which is known and designate on the Ramapo Tax map as Section 32.15-2-15 in an R-40 zone.
Application # 21-227: Moses Schwartz, 48 Wilshire Drive, Spring Valley, New York, for variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a two-family dwelling, which will have less than the required lot area, front setback, front yard, greater than permitted development coverage and greater than permitted floor area ratio. The property in question is: 10 Suffern Place, Monsey, New York, located on the west side of Suffern Place, approximately 575 feet south from the intersection of Roberts Road, which is known and designate on the Ramapo Tax map as Section 56.14-3-21 in an R-15 zone.
Application # 21-228: Congregation Bnai Arugath Habosem, 36 Rita Avenue, Monsey, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a three-family dwelling with three accessory apartments, which will have less than the required rear setback (deck) and greater than permitted building height and greater than permitted floor area ratio. The property in question is: 332 Blauvelt Road, Monsey, New York, located on the east side of Blauvelt Road, approximately 366 feet south from the intersection of Cedar Lane, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 49.19-5-22 in an R-15C zone.
Application # 21-229: Joel and Rivka Klein, 9 Jon Lief Lane, Spring Valley, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a two-family dwelling, which will have less than the required lot area, lot width, total side setback, street frontage, side setback and greater than permitted floor area ratio and greater than permitted development coverage. The property in question is: 107 S. Madison Avenue, Spring Valley, New York, located on the west side of S Madison Avenue, approximately 485 feet north from the intersection of Old Nyack Turnpike, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 57.17-4-60 in an R-15 zone
Application # 21-230: Ezra Reiss, 2 Joan Lane, Monsey, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a two-family dwelling with one accessory apartment, which will have less than the required front setback (Carlton Road), front yard (Carlton Road) and rear setback. The property in question is: 2 Joan Lane, Monsey, New York, located on the east side of Joan Lane, 0 feet north from the intersection of Carlton Road, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 49.19-6-39 in an R-15A zone.
Application # 21-231: Eliezer Schwartz, 10 Ibeck Court, Spring Valley, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a single-family dwelling, semi-attached (existing) with an addition, which will have greater than permitted floor area ratio. A variance will be required from Section 376-65C, which will have less than the required front setback, front yard, side setback and rear yard. The property in question is: 10 Ibeck Court, Spring Valley, New York, located on the west side of Ibeck Court, approximately 295 feet south from the intersection of W. Eckerson Road, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 50.13-3-23 an R-15 zone.
Application # 21-232: Suez Water, New York, Inc., (Monsey Well # 30), 162 Old Mill Road, West Nyack, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a water treatment, water storage and emergency telecommunications facility, which will have greater than permitted building height and greater than permitted development coverage. The property in question is: 110 Grove Street, Monsey, New York, located on the north side of Grove Street, approximately 550 feet east from the intersection of Remsen Avenue, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 56.10-3-27 in an R-15A zone.
Application # 21-233: Suez Water, New York, Inc., (Eckerson Well # 71) 162 Old Mill Road, West Nyack, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a water treatment facility, which will have less than the required side setback, total side setback and greater than required building height. The property in question is: 123 East Eckerson Road, Spring Valley, New York, located on the north side of Eckerson Road, approximately 160 feet east from the intersection of Rockland Parkway, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 50.15-2-51 in an R-15 zone.
Application # 21-234: Suez Water, New York, Inc., (Pomona Well # 38) 162 Old Mill Road, West Nyack, New York, for the variances of the requirements of Section 376-41 of the Zoning Law of the Town of Ramapo to permit the construction, maintenance and use of a water treatment facility, which will have greater than required building height. The property in question is: 12 Camphill Road, Pomona, New York, located on the north side of Camphill Road, approximately 140 feet east from the intersection of White Birch Drive, which is known and designated on the Ramapo Tax Map as Section 33.13-2-11 in an R-80 zone.
F. Charlene Weaver, Chairperson dated at Suffern, New York
Thisday, November 24, 2021.